Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Updates and Thoughts

Hi there everyone.

I know posts and podcast updates are few and far between and so I wanted to clarify for everyone that we are indeed still alive and active. As you may have gathered, we are currently knee-deep in an apocalypse now of post-production, sleep deprivation and interpersonal hostility. The 3 of us at Lullskull LTD. have been working on this particular project for well over a year now, and within about a month and a half we are beginning to fathom the idea of a pinprick that may or may not be a light.

I've been thinking about Hear Me Now Brother this whole time, and Nate and I have both settled on the idea of it continuing. However as you have probably gathered from the site redesign, semi-recent video updates and new subtitle, the purpose of the podcast has morphed. Instead of just being about two dudes in LA climbing a Mount Everest of delusion, we envision the podcast tackling not only our terrible journey, but also tracing the 'progress' of our 'company' as it works it's way through to becoming.. well I mean we want it to be real right?

So what can you expect? Well more audio in the next few weeks and more video in the next few days. We have a series of web docs that are being compiled and the next episode should show up on the feed by the end of the week. Next we hope to dig out the dusty old USB mics and record our thoughts on this whole process; a journey that has been the greatest education we've collectively had in conceiving, planning, shooting and editing a narrative film.

We are all proud of the work we've done in 2007 and 2008 has continued this improbable streak of productivity. I don't know how many listeners we have or whether or it matters to you how we do with this project, but we will continue to put these little dispatches out there as time permits.
Everyone has a secret desire and we hope HMNB can serve as an ongoing account of how we converted that wish into a tangible reality.

- Seth
Transcript taken from his secret hope journal.

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